Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rain... And more of it...

It's done nothing but rain for what seems like weeks. The brief moments of sunshine pass so quickly that I can't even get a pre-planned sun action plan in motion before the clouds set in again. I don't like to complain about the weather because that really doesn't change anything. Instead I'll complain about how bad our constantly wet dogs smell these days. (Glacier recently started going to work with me a few afternoons per week and I swear the smell coming from under my desk was not my feet!) Complaining about their pungent odor could actually bring about change. Well... Probably not. We prefer to bathe them in the outdoor shower instead of the bathroom and there's no point in that considering the current conditions. But it could happen. 

We (my handy husband) installed a dog door the other day. It took about 32 seconds for Brody to figure out how to use it. It took Glacier slightly longer but a peanut butter treat helped speed up the learning (I'm probably a bad parent for bribing her with food... She'll have to take that up with the vet.). Now that she knows how to use it, she's in and out constantly!

Glacier never  seems to realize (unless it is raining so hard that it's raining up) that the weather is anything less than perfect. She will go out in blazing sun, driving snow, drizzling rain - she doesn't care. We will often find her sitting in the middle of the yard in the bitter snow while Brody, who has twice the fur coat she's got, presses himself against the door begging to come in. 

The new dog door has given Glacier exactly what she wants - the opportunity to come and go as she pleases, hang out outside for as long as she wants, and the immediate ability to respond to any squirrel interlopers. 

I may have to install a video camera so I can capture the moment when a squirrel has made its presence known and the response team tries to funnel out the dog door at the same time. There is an amusing yet brief certain amount of negotiating that happens when both are stuck with heads outside, butts inside, and shoulders locking them in place until one gives in and backs out enough for the other to slide through. For the record, Brody is usually the gentleman in this situation as Glacier's terrierist side has kicked in and negotiation is the last thing on her mind. 

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