First, after one year in a condensed master's degree program that A juggled with many other intense responsibilities (and got straight A's, I might add), he took his comprehensive exam two weeks ago. At the end of the exam, he felt good - like he'd nailed most of the questions solidly on the five hour essay exam. We were a little nervous when one fellow came out of the exam before A and told me that he'd taken it four times. (Turns out that after listening to him for a few minutes, he's a dolt and didn't bother to properly prepare for the exam.) We weren't worried that A was going to pass but... Ya never know!
So... On our last day of vacation, A received an email that he PASSED the exam. Yahoooooooo! Now he just has to to finish this last class in December and he's got his master's degree. Yay!!!!
And around the same time, we learned that A's dad, who has been battling Stage 3 lung cancer since May, had a very good scan last week! The scan shows a "significant reduction" in the tumor and in the presence of cancer in the lymph nodes. YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
So.... It was a HECK of a vacation and pure delight to wrap it up such positive news!